Crafted to nurture your spiritual evolution and forge a deeper connection with ancestral wisdom and plant spirits, this transformative journey is led by plant medicine ceremonialists Athena Naia, & Jason Standish, Sundancer and Pipe carrier Aztecoyote, as well as Wirikuta Maracame elder, Santos - all esteemed elders from diverse shamanic traditions, and rarely accessible to learn from. For $88 per month, join a sacred community committed to expanding their medicine bundle, fostering healing, and achieving alignment during these critical times of personal and planetary growth.


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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($88.00/mnth)13x $88.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (6x $190.00)6x $190.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Emissaries of Light$0

AUG 22, 2024

Regular Chanupa ceremonies with Aztekcayoe

Regular Ikaros & plant transmissions with Athena & Jason

Build your medicine bundle with traditional teachings from Elders

Q&A to support your healing and learning

Shamanic blessings through 3 different lineages of light

Regular live group healings, shamanic transmissions, and workshops

Cord cuttings, limpias, protection practices, and many more shamanic tools to support healing and clearing

  • What is the time commitment?
    You will be invited to join us for a 2 hour live ceremony on the new moon and full moon of each of the 13 months. Every other month there will be a bonus workshop with an advanced practitioner in their field of healing. All live calls will be recorded and shared with the cohort, to be rewatched if you can't make them.
  • When are the live calls?
    Our bi-weekly live calls will be Thursdays at 5pm PST / 8pm EST
  • Is this a formal apprenticeship?
    This program is designed to give you many tools and teachings to activate you, and add to your bundle as a student, practitioner, and medicine carrier. Each live call will bring forth different practices and wisdom that will both support you on a personal level with your healing and integration, and support you as a practitioner in the unique healing work that you do. Formal rites for certain ceremonial work have different initiation processes. Emissaries of Light will expose you to many lineages and healing traditions that will have impact on your overal initiation process as a student of the path.
  • Can I join later?
    We recommend the container length of 13 months to receive the full breadth of tools and teachings from our elders. If you have a need to shorten your container commitment, please reach out direction to us and we will see how we can meet your needs.
  • Are there any refunds?
    To honour the process of the program's unfolding within each of your lives, we have created this to be a commitment to the 13 month container. If there are unique circumstances that require you to back out at any point, please reach out and we will be happy to work with you to find a solution.
  • Total payment
  • 1xEmissaries of Light$0

All prices in USD

Transforming lives through advanced plant medicine healing and practitioner training.
